Get Inspired With Armenian Nature | HD

Phoenix Tour Armenia

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With eight geographic zones, seven climates, nine altitudes, and sixteen soil zones plus over half of all plant species in the Transcaucasia and two-thirds of all bird species found in Europe, Armenia’s small territory is a stunning biotopes region. More varieties of topographies, plants and fauna can be found per square kilometer in Armenia than almost anywhere on earth. The closest competitor for the same type of diversity is the USA, and it requires 100 times the space as Armenia.

The relative ease of exploring these often overlapping flora and fauna zones makes Armenia a destination of its own.

Birding and flower watching have already put Armenia on the map, with birders and botanical tourists coming from around the globe. Trekkers and mountain climbers can explore 85 mountains over a mile high, in diverse ranges that cover and divide the country into microclimates and topographies. For avid spelunkers, the most spectacular images in Armenia are underground, with more than 10,000 caves found throughout the country.

There are so many fun, convenient, and inexpensive ways to explore Armenian nature, by spending time with family and friends outdoors, and trying to explore the hidden treasures of this beautiful country. Our tourists can explore Armenian nature by hiking, trekking, paragliding, hot air balloon riding, ziplining, skiing, snowkiting, river rafting, canyoning and horseback riding their ways across the country, exploring remote regions of Armenia.

Enjoy the beauty of Armenian nature through those adventures and discoveries. Just pick out what you'd like to do and our dedicated team of professionals at Phoenix Tour will help you decide where to start, assisting you at every step on your journey.

Video credits: WWF

Phoenix Tour invites you to explore the best destinations, journeys and experiences for Armenia, South Caucasus & Iran. For more information, please visit, or contact us at

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