Energy Challenges in Rural Armenia (Armenian with English subtitles)


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In Armenia the energy supply for heating and cooking, especially in rural areas is an issue. It is closely linked to the challenge of sustainable management of forests and other natural resources.
At present intensive use of forests for fuelwood continues due to its high demand. The volume of logging significantly exceeds the rate of natural forest regeneration.
Animal dung is also widely used as fuel material in rural areas of Armenia. This means that it is no longer available as valuable organic fertilizer.
Many people burn plastic, rubber and other waste, producing toxic substances which are harmful for human health. Especially women and children are affected, as they spend more time at home close to the stove.
There is a need to improve the energy situation in rural Armenia and make it more sustainable. Possible solutions are sustainable forest management, improved energy efficiency, alternative biofuels, promotion of renewable energy and others.

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